Tag Archives: Internet Explorer

Unlocking the Power of Your PC and the Web with Internet Explorer 9!

16 Feb

Microsoft has now released Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) RC (Release Candidate), which goes beyond previous web browsers that use only 10% of your computer’s processing power and unlocks the other 90%.  IE9 taps into your graphics processor through Windows and utilizes the full potential of your PC, allowing the web to perform like an application installed directly on your computer.  What does all that actually mean to you?  It means that your experience on the Internet will be faster, smoother, and oh-so-much sweeter!

To explore all the fantastic new features of IE9, click the following link:  http://www.beautyoftheweb.com/#/productguide/top-features

If you’d like to see how IE9 compares to other web browsers, click this link:  http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/products/ie-9/compare-browsers.

To dowload Internet Explorer 9 RC, click the picture below: